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 far                     far -- Non-Standard Type Modifier

    A far data item (or function) may be located anywhere in memory and
    is not assumed to reside in the current data (or code) segment.  Its
    address is 32 bits long.

      Notes:    You cannot pass a far pointer, or the address of a far
                object, to most small-model library routines. You can,
                however, pass the values of far objects to such routines.

                Depending on the model specified at compile-time,
                sizeof(char far *) may or may not be the same as
                sizeof(char *).

                Variables declared with class auto are always near since
                they reside on the run-time stack.

   -------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------

           int far value;
           double far table[100];
           char far *fpc;
           char far **fppc;
           char far * far *fpfpc;
           long int far * far check(char far, int, int far);
           int (far *funptr)();

           i = sizeof(char far *);

See Also: near huge auto static extern
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson